Friday, January 29, 2010
A few more
Monday, January 25, 2010
Catching Up
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Day 15
I know that I've been posting a lot of personal pictures. I do have some events coming up so the pictures will soon follow. I figure this is just a way for you to get to know me a little more and at the same time I can create a habit of blogging.
This is a picture of one of my favorite things to eat (there is a list). It's become a habit, routine or tradition in our home. My hubby knows that whenever we rent a movie we also buy chips & chile. They are from El Siete Mares. I've been eating these chips since I was a kid. They never sold the chips separately until I cam along-true story. =) I've been messing around with off camera flash and I absolutely love it. If anyone out there is looking for an easy way to get your flash off of your camera you have to buy a ST-E2 from Canon.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Day 14
This was day 14's picture. Benny decided we should get this little gem to help us out. I think he's brilliant. =)
Renay, if your reading this post, the picture behind the the top left corner of the box is one of your wedding pictures.
I'm thankful for all of the photo stuff that we've been able to purchase. Thank you Jesus for providing!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My Sacred Corazon
Day 13 of 365. Yay! I can't believe that I have been consistent with something for 13 days straight. That has to be a record. I think I deserve some crab legs or lobster. =)
It was getting late last night and I still didn't have my picture for the day. I was looking around for something to photograph and there it was on my left hand. I should look around more often because I absolutely love this picture. I love what it represents and how it makes me feel when I look at it. I am seriously going to blow this picture up and hang it on a wall. My wedding band is beautiful to me, it has 7 little diamonds.......I remember the day I picked it out the girl at the jewelry store kept trying to get me to buy bigger diamonds. I'm sure that it was mostly because of commission but she also kept saying that it was too plain and simple. Well being the simple plain Jane that I am I knew what I wanted. I wanted 7 diamonds and I knew that I wanted them to be really small. I just wanted my band to be pretty and simple. I already had a big fat rock as my engagement ring so I wanted this to compliment it and I think it does just that. The 7 diamonds represent God's number of perfection. I met my husband in 07, truly God's perfection and perfect timing. I know that I was created to compliment him the way my ring compliments the other.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
This is my day 11 of 365. I'm really enjoying this project. I have always seen photography as a way of documenting my life. I tend to forget things so it's nice to have a visual of what my life has been like. This picture shows what my life has been like these past 4 weeks on Monday nights. I pray that we continue to be faithful to come together and practice the gifts and talents that the Lord has blessed us with.
Monday, January 11, 2010
I am amazed at the results of my 17-40mm. I love this lens. This was taken in Monterey park yesterday afternoon. I have a feeling you'll be seeing a few more of these sunset shots. I just love the colors of the sky. Praise God for his creation and for providing for my new 17-40 lens.
This is my day 9 picture. This was taken at the Marriott in Marina Del Rey. I really like this because it was taken with my new 17-40mm lens. I was trying it out in the lobby. I love the lighting of this space. Someone suggested that I send this to the Marriott's marketing dept. I just might have to do that. LOL!!
I just wanted to share my day 8 picture. It's my sushi chef from Zono Sushi in Burbank. I've been going to this place for years and it is hands down the best sushi place ever.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Day 5
So this is my day 5 picture. I met a very nice man by the name of David yesterday. As I was walking to buy my lunch something inside me pulled me back to look his way. As soon as I said hello he responded with a smile and a nod. Very gentlemen like. He was extremely polite and very respectful. I wish most people I encountered out in public were like him. We ended up having a great conversation. We talked about photography, traveling, abandoned babies and orphans in Romania, and around the world. I told him about my 365 project and asked if I could take his picture and post it on the web. He once again responded with a smile, a nod and a yes. I have to say that meeting David was one of the highlights of my day. I have one more but I think I will blog about that another day.

I love my iphone.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Day 4-Happy Birthday Jojo!
Hi everyone, This is my day 4 of 365 picture. I entitled it "it's my party and I can be sad if I want to". Yesterday was Jojo's 5th birthday. Benny and I went out to dinner last night and unfortunately, by the time I went to see him it was close to bed time so he was a bit crabby.
I love this shot of all the kids in my life.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Day 3 of 365
So I asked and the first thing they asked me was "do you have a flickr account?" All I could do was smile.
Oh by the way, I was not in East Los Angeles but I'm sure you already knew that if your from L.A.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
365 Project
Day 1
This is my nephew Jojo. The sky was beautiful on new year's morning.

This is my tio Augie. I love my tio. It was just about an hour ago that he was trying to convince me to have a babies-lots of them and soon. He has 8 of his own. =) I come from a big mexican family.