Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day 3 of 365

I'm sorry but I don't have much to say about this picture. Well I guess I do, It's a trip. I got lucky I guess. It's totally different than anything that I have ever taken before but I think that's a good thing. Benny and I were driving today and I saw these two guys hanging out on top of a statue playing these flute like instruments. I just had to stop to take a picture. I was a little timid about interrupting their musical concert to nature but I did it. I had to.....I needed a cool picture for day three of my 365 project.

So I asked and the first thing they asked me was "do you have a flickr account?" All I could do was smile.

Oh by the way, I was not in East Los Angeles but I'm sure you already knew that if your from L.A.



CPR Worship Community said...

That's an interesting photo. I think those instruments are from Australia. I believe they called disseridos (sp) or somehting like that.
They're cool sounding.

Cindy A. said...

Love this shot!