This is my friend Paulina-the make-up artist. That's what I call her cause that's what she is. She is not only talented but gifted at what she does. Her resume has definitely grown in the past few months. She is doing make-up for fashion shows, movies, and now T.V. She can now add that she has been a
Telemundo make-up consultant. A few weeks ago Telemundo was running a special on how women view themselves and the extremes they go to, to look their very best. The shows focused on plastic surgury, eating disorders, and self image. For the last show Paulina was asked to show the Telemundo audience how make-up can temporarily fix specific flaws we women have. Being the flawed women that I am she asked me to be one of her models. =) So yeah! I was on T.V. but not just on any channel I was on Telemundo. LOL!!! every East L.A. girls dream. I am joking of course, I've never even watched Telemundo.
It was surreal watching myself on T.V. Benny and I had to go over to my brother's house to watch it on his television since we don't have one. (Yes, me, no T.V. that's a whole other blog post.) Like I was saying it was pretty surreal. We had a little "watch Frances on T.V." get together. My mom even came over to watch her daughter get her flaws fixed. I think I was more excited about watching my nephews run around acting crazy excited to see their tia Frances on T.V. Enough about me on to the pictures...........
This is Paulina

this is Abraham (pronounced in spanish) Aah-bra-ahm =) the camera man

I took this from my iphone. I know it's not the greatest quality but it is proof. LOL!!!
Oh my goodness!! That is so hilarious... oh, how I envy you! ;) Do you have a novela lined up next? jk! I wished I would have known about it... would have totally tuned in! Love it!
what can i say? except my wife is a "superstar"! =) i thought every east l.a. girls dream was to be on cops? lol j/k "bad boys bad boys whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for you bad boys, bad boys?"
love you,
your husband
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